Wenzao Chinese Summer School
Kaohsiung ,Taiwan
期望經由 鈞部補助承辦,未來此計畫能成為一常態性研習活動,近程來看,有助於提高國際青年來華學習中文或修習學位課程機會;長期而言,能激發本國青年本土意識,對於台灣這塊土地的熱愛,影響深遠。
Last year, we initiated the program of “2011 Seminar on Taiwan Experience Studies for International Youth”. It was a very special and exciting 3-weeks’ Taiwan Experience Studies Camp and was especially designed for international students and teachers to learn and explore more about Taiwan from different prospective. According to the result of questionnaire, participants all showed a great satisfaction to this program: comments like “The organization overall was incredibly impressive! The staff was absolutely incredible, they honestly could not have been better!”, “Culture nights were amazing! Some of the best nights at Wenzao!”, “I really enjoyed the lesson. I really appreciate to my Chinese teacher who taught me many things.”, “I really enjoyed the homestay.”, “The field trips and lessons-everything was very well organized!”, and “This program was incredible!” and so on. Many of them commended that they all had greatly benefited and gained unforgettable experience from such unique and eye-opened informative program. They learned to know Taiwan well and grew to love the extraordinary and unique culture and history of Taiwan.
Under the sponsorship of Taiwan’s Ministry of Education, we are thus able to hold the “We All Speak Chinese-‘2010 Wenzao Chinese Summer Camp’” in this summer again. We will keep the framework of the Camp from last year and add more depth and richness to the “Taiwan Lectures Series” and traditional hands-on activities. For the Taiwan lectures, topics like studying and exploring Taiwan’s unique ecological system, diverse cultural characteristics, traditional customs and festivals and the abundant eating and drinking culture can be further introduced to the international participants. For the traditional hands-on activities, the integration of contemporary and the traditional folk arts and crafts, music and play show the unique development of Taiwanese culture and history. Also, the “Culture Night” activities intentionally designed for international youth to present their own culture and tradition by dancing, singing and acting will provide a wonderful platform for the international youth across the world to learn different culture and tradition and creativeness from each other. Further, we will recruit and train more enthusiastic Wenzao teachers and students to receive these coming international participants in the most popular and welcomed homestay program to make them an unforgettable and valuable Taiwan family experience.